Cookies Statement

A cookie is a small text file that a website sends to a visitor’s browser and that sends back information each time the visitor makes a request from the website. A cookie contains a unique identification number that identifies the visitor’s browser, but not necessarily the visitor. Cookies can be accepted, rejected, or identified by configuring a browser’s preferences or settings. Pixel tags or clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier that are embedded invisibly on a webpage and are used to track a visitor’s movements on a website. We use the information gathered by clear gifs to help us better manage content on the Site. Cookies and pixel tags are used to help recognize a returning visitor, and to help customize the visitor’s online experience. Unless a visitor specifically informs us of his/her identity (e.g., by registering with us), we will not know who the individual visitor is.

The Site uses cookies as follows:

  • to collect Session Data and other session information;
  • to process orders and to store order and shopping cart information;
  • to store and hash usernames and passwords so that users do not have to re-enter this information each time they log in; and
  • to collect analytics relating to visitors’ use of the Site.